The 3 C's of creating goal-focused content
Ever got to the end of the year and felt like all the content you invested in did nothing? If the answer is ‘yes’, you’re not alone.
But there is a solution: linking your content to your business goals.
The result? Content that works for you, drives activity in the right areas, and supports your objectives. And (most importantly) drives a return on investment.
Not convinced? Take a few minutes as we talk through:
How business goals shape your content and marketing
Tips to uncover the right topics and channels for you
Techniques to keep you focused and track
Using these three C’s you can create goal-focused content that is meaningful and provides value to your customers. Because after all your customer is why you’re investing in content in the first place.
Not sure how to use content for your business?
You know your business best, and content writing is what I do best!
Together we can craft some engaging, exciting and goal-driven content, maximising your return on investment, and getting you where you need to go.
This presentation was originally presented at Fresh Networking’s Carlton and Essendon Hub meeting, 19 October 2022.